The Company

The Company 2021-09-07T00:17:41+00:00

adani Lounge





With the inception of the adani Lounge, TFS and Performa have brought together their association once again, translating their respective areas of expertise to present a never-before Lounge experience to international passengers travelling through the T2, CSIA, Mumbai.

Performa is a part of Gategroup which is the leading independent global provider of onboard services to companies that serve people on the move. Gategroup comprises highly regarded brands including deSter, eGate Solutions, Gate Aviation, Gate Gourmet, Gate Safe, Harmony, Performa, potmstudios, Pourshins and Supplair. The Group’s world-class capabilities are focused in catering and hospitality; provisioning and logistics; and on-board solutions. The Group’s customers include top airlines around the world that rely on our expertise and solutions tailored to their guests, service offerings and the geographic regions in which they operate.

Travel Food Services Limited (TFS) is India’s largest dedicated F&B concessionaire in the travel retail segment, catering to over 110 million customers, with major operations at Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai and Mangalore Airports. TFS has operations at other smaller airports in India and has also expanded internationally in Muscat and Salalah Airports in Oman. The company has created a superlative portfolio of some of the best brands to cater to discerning passengers at travel locations including proprietary brands Dilli Streat, Terminal F, Cafeccino,, Curry Kitchen, Noodle Wok, , Swich as well as global favorites such as KFC, Domino’s Pizza, Haagen-Dazs, Ultra Bar, and Cafe Coffee Day, to name a few. Founded by Mr. Sunil Kapur, the visionary business leader and Chairman of K Hospitality Corp – one of India’s largest F&B conglomerates, Travel Food Services is committed to transforming the F&B landscape within large scale travel infrastructure projects across India.